Until now we have 3 documents that I have converted to be online: the application, the doctor’s evaluation and the reference form. I have left everything as it was on the pdf files with only slight variations which were made necessary because of the change in medium. I did add the phone number and email of the referent because it may keep the students from filling out their own reference forms 🙂 . Any of these can be changed very easily. I am making a document with all the user names and pws as well as the instructions. Also, currently I have registered with jotforms.com with my email but it may be better to change it to the person who will be administering the forms. We can keep it like it is as I am happy to make any changes for you. Either way I will give the login credentials.
FYI the URL for the forms are here:
The Application: https://form.jotform.com/73121699667165
The Medical Reference: https://form.jotform.me/73128866504461
The Character Reference: https://form.jotform.me/73132290804450
We might do well to have a link to the pdf file as well as having the online forms because some people may have limited access to the internet.
Another way that we can put the form on the page is to embed it like this:
Click here for the JMBC Application
In adding the online forms we can put a link like this, so that when a person clicks they will be taken to the page where the form is held.
Or we can make an i-frame like this: